Instructor Hilda Neily painting on the streets of Provincetown, 2022 Hilda Neily and Lori Byrne painting near Johnson Street Hilda Neily and Lori Byrne painting near Johnson Street Painting outdoors during the Pandemic Painting mudheads on the beach with instructor Glenna Hartwell Instructor John Clayton and model, Provincetown Instructor Dennis Lucas painting in the dunes Hilda Neily demonstrates a block study Hilda Neily's class painting block studies outdoors at the North Light studio Portraits in North Light class, Winter, 2022 (Portrait study on left by Glenna Hartwell) Painting Still Life in the North Light studio Still life start, North Light studio, winter 2019 Kathi Siar painting with instructor Syd Hale in the North Light studio Instructors Syd Hale and Glenna Hartwell paint in the North Light studio Hilda Neily and Kathi Siar at our 2023 Benefit Auction Artists and friends at our Benefit Auction Instructor and artist Syd Hale at our Benefit Auction Our Benefit Auction Artist and contributor Cathy Shearer-Neily at our annual Benefit Auction The Cape School of Art's Board of Directors co-president, Marguerite Smit, helps with decision-making at our Benefit Auction Donna Mignella during Glenna Hartwell's Mudhead Class Chris Smeraldi doing demo in his Intro to Color Class 2023 Hilda's North Light Studio Judith Fulmer Artist Provincelands Judith Fulmer Artist Provincetown Dune Trail Judith Fulmer Artist Docked at MacMillan Wharf John Clayton - Landscape Instructor at Moon Pond Syd Hale Artist - Instructor Syd Hale Artist Syd Hale Artist Syd Hale Artist Syd Hale Artist Syd Hale Artist Syd Hale Artist