Landscape Painting with John Clayton, July 21-25, 2025
9am to 12pm
This class is for both beginners and advanced students. John Clayton will take the class through the study of color beginning with simple arrangements of colored blocks on a tabletop outside in the sun or inside in the studio if it’s raining. Drawing is not stressed. We will concentrate on the simple color note studies for 2 days . We will go out and paint some structures in the landscape the third day . We will see how to concentrate on the big masses of lights and deep notes of color that make up a strong landscape painting. We will study all elements of landscape painting and or still life on the following days as weather permits.
For further information, call the registrar at 617-717-9568.
9am to 12pm
This class is for both beginners and advanced students. John Clayton will take the class through the study of color beginning with simple arrangements of colored blocks on a tabletop outside in the sun or inside in the studio if it’s raining. Drawing is not stressed. We will concentrate on the simple color note studies for 2 days . We will go out and paint some structures in the landscape the third day . We will see how to concentrate on the big masses of lights and deep notes of color that make up a strong landscape painting. We will study all elements of landscape painting and or still life on the following days as weather permits.
For further information, call the registrar at 617-717-9568.
9am to 12pm
This class is for both beginners and advanced students. John Clayton will take the class through the study of color beginning with simple arrangements of colored blocks on a tabletop outside in the sun or inside in the studio if it’s raining. Drawing is not stressed. We will concentrate on the simple color note studies for 2 days . We will go out and paint some structures in the landscape the third day . We will see how to concentrate on the big masses of lights and deep notes of color that make up a strong landscape painting. We will study all elements of landscape painting and or still life on the following days as weather permits.
For further information, call the registrar at 617-717-9568.
• Palette knives – , Leow-Cornell J-2, J-10 (Asw or Dickblick)
• Gessoed masonite hardboard – 16×20 and 12×16. Pre-gessoed boards are available at Artist Loft and Conwell Lumber. If you want to make your own boards, Home Depot will cut a 4’x8′ sheet of 3/16th inch hardboard up for you. Show them the diagram on page 2 as a guide. You will then need to gesso the boards using Liquitex Gesso. Brush lightly back and forth across the board as the gesso dries to eliminate ridges.
• Large wood or acrylic palette. (If using a wood palette, make sure it is
polyurethane coated or otherwise sealed. A 16×20 piece of Plexiglas works fine (available at hardware store). A medium to large palette is best.
• Stanrite Easel 300 or Julian French Easel only
• Bounty paper towels
• Visor or cap with a brim
• Grumbacher extra-soft vine charcoal
Oil Paint (Winsor & Newton, Winton paints are acceptable)
• Titanium White (large tube)
• Viridian
• Cadmium lemon
• Cadmium yellow Pale
• Cadmium orange
• Scarlet Lake (Winsor & Newton) or Cadmium scarlet
• Permanent rose
• Ultramarine blue
• Cerulean blue
• Permanent green light
• Yellow ochre
Note: If you can’t find some of the items above, bring what you have.
About John:
Joining the historic legacy of Provincetown, Massachusetts’s impressionist painters, John Clayton’s paintings are a testament to the beauty of Cape Cod’s light and color. After studying at the Art Students League in NYC, John moved to Provincetown and began an intense period of study at the Cape School of Art where Henry Hensche and Charles Hawthorne had established one of the country’s finest outdoor painting schools.
John’s exceptional gift for portraying the many facets of nature’s light brought him to the attention of Hilda Neily, who had been one of Hensche’s finest students in the 1970s. He became a protégé of Neily’s and furthered his explorations of color. “In my paintings I am forever exploring nature – it’s constant changes – the light, and the objects that dwell within it.”
John Clayton was one of eight artists selected to exhibit at the 1998 Emerging Artists Exhibition at PAAM (Provinctown Art Association and Museum).