Mudheads on the Beach with Glenna Hartwell, weekend of June 7 and 8, 2025, 9:00am-12:00pm
9am to 12pm
Spend a weekend on the beach painting mudheads, a term from Charles Hawthorne that describes the look of models posing while backlit by bright sunlight.
We will explore ways to begin a portrait by laying in the large color masses that make up the planes of the face. We’ll study the structures of the head, neck, and shoulders and how outdoor light informs the color of each surface. We’ll also examine the interplay between hair, clothing, sand, and sea. We won’t spend much time on features. These are mudheads!
Move beyond the brown and beige of tonal painting and learn to see and paint the extraordinary colors that make up the human face and figure. Be prepared for your visual perception to change and grow as you start seeing unexpected colors, like blue tones in the cheeks of your model!
The class suits beginners or advanced students. There will be an additional modeling fee of $10 per day. If the weather is rainy, we will paint indoors in North light.
You can register here using our secure Paypal account; for further information, call the registrar at 617-717-9568.
9am to 12pm
Spend a weekend on the beach painting mudheads, a term from Charles Hawthorne that describes the look of models posing while backlit by bright sunlight.
We will explore ways to begin a portrait by laying in the large color masses that make up the planes of the face. We’ll study the structures of the head, neck, and shoulders and how outdoor light informs the color of each surface. We’ll also examine the interplay between hair, clothing, sand, and sea. We won’t spend much time on features. These are mudheads!
Move beyond the brown and beige of tonal painting and learn to see and paint the extraordinary colors that make up the human face and figure. Be prepared for your visual perception to change and grow as you start seeing unexpected colors, like blue tones in the cheeks of your model!
The class suits beginners or advanced students. There will be an additional modeling fee of $10 per day. If the weather is rainy, we will paint indoors in North light.
You can register here using our secure Paypal account; for further information, call the registrar at 617-717-9568.
9am to 12pm
Spend a weekend on the beach painting mudheads, a term from Charles Hawthorne that describes the look of models posing while backlit by bright sunlight.
We will explore ways to begin a portrait by laying in the large color masses that make up the planes of the face. We’ll study the structures of the head, neck, and shoulders and how outdoor light informs the color of each surface. We’ll also examine the interplay between hair, clothing, sand, and sea. We won’t spend much time on features. These are mudheads!
Move beyond the brown and beige of tonal painting and learn to see and paint the extraordinary colors that make up the human face and figure. Be prepared for your visual perception to change and grow as you start seeing unexpected colors, like blue tones in the cheeks of your model!
The class suits beginners or advanced students. There will be an additional modeling fee of $10 per day. If the weather is rainy, we will paint indoors in North light.
You can register here using our secure Paypal account; for further information, call the registrar at 617-717-9568.
Winsor-Newton (or equivalent quality such as Rembrandt) Artist Oils:
Winsor Lemon
Winsor Yellow
Winsor Orange
Winsor Red
Permanent Rose
Permanent Green Light
Permanent Green Deep
Manganese Blue or Sevres Blue
French Ultramarine
Yellow Ochre
Optional – Indian Red and Mars Violet
200 ml tube Titanium White
Optional – blue pencil
Gessoed panels: Masonite, Luan or birch plywood – Bring as many as 5-6 per day in a variety of sizes: 9×12″, 11×14″, 12×16″, 16×20″
NOTE: If you purchase pre-gessoed panels, be sure to brush them with another coat of gesso or else they will be too slick, and the paint will not adhere properly.
Palette knife: Loew Cornell #J-15 or similar
Easel: Plein Air type: Stan-Rite #300 or similar (you can purchase the Stan-Rite easel for $50. or less on Ebay.)
Other supplies:
Vegetable oil for cleanup
Rolls of soft paper towels such as Bounty
Small plastic trash bags
Hat with brim (such as a baseball cap)
NOTE: do not wear tinted or transition eyeglasses. Wear Black or medium-colored shirts, no white or bright colors as they will reflect into your painting.